Guidance Notes for Hosts running rallies
Guidance Notes for Hosts running rallies
1. Hosts will get a free rally.
2. The Rally Officer will supply contact details a couple of weeks before the start of the rally.
3. Hosts will be given a rally box prior to the rally they are hosting, containing Fire Extinguishers and the various forms they will require.
4. Hosts can if they wish arrange games, quizzes etc. Hosts can spend up to £25.00 on prizes, refreshments etc if they wish to, which sum can be claimed and reimbursed by the club on production of a receipt.
5. Hosts should arrive on site between 1 and 2 hours before the rally starts. This should be arranged with the site by the Hosts.
6. Hosts should on arrival at the site set themselves up, complete a risk assessment (using the Risk Assessment form in the rally box) and put out signs before the start of the rally. The fire extinguishers should be placed outside the hosts’ motorhome.
7. As members arrive, hosts should complete the Booking in form and Ride Out Emergency Contact form (both in rally box), and check membership cards (including expiry date on card). Members cannot attend a rally without a valid membership card.
8. Payment can be made either by cash or Faster Payment into our Bank Account – Lloyds Bank, The Motorcycle Group, Sort code 30-98-97, Account no. 64840763. Retain membership cards from anyone paying by bank transfer until the payment has been confirmed.
9. As an alternative, particularly if a lot of vans arrive together, hosts can take membership cards from members on arrival, park them up, and ask them to come back to pay and fill in details, whereupon their card will be returned to them.
10. Towards the end of the rally, hosts will need to complete the Balance Sheet (in the rally box) and arrange for payment of the site fees.
11. If hosts have any queries at all, please contact any member of the Committee.