- Next Rally: 2nd-5th May Invite from Anglia. Sheringham High School, Holt Road, Sheringham, NR26 8ND. £17pupn START TIME 5;00 (not before) Shropshire TF11 8LE. Next Rally: 2nd-5th May Invite from Anglia. Sheringham High School, Holt Road, Sheringham, NR26 8ND. £17pupn START TIME 5;00 (not before) Shropshire TF11 8LE.
MotorCycle Group - Special interest group of the Motor Caravanners' Club

Welcome to the Motorcycle Group Website.
The group was formed in April 2018, by 6 MCC Members- Graham, Wendy, John, Pat, Keith and Tina with an Inaugural AGM at Kemble Airfield near Cirencester. 4 more members joined the committee at the September 2018 AGM- Ian, Carol, Paul and Martin. The current committee are listed on the committee page. We have rallied all over the country with local MCC Groups (by invite) as well as our own rallies, mostly 5 nights long with a lot of back to back rallies. We always try to organise Group Ride Outs that can be good fun and entertaining at times, usually followed by some great social evenings. We use social media- this website, Facebook, WhatsApp and email to inform MCG members of any news we may have, so keep an eye out for any updates. Also our Scribe writes in the Club Magazine every month with reviews of our rallies. We also have MCG Insignia, our much coveted T Shirts, Flags, Badges and Stickers are available at most rallies. We have a really great committee, with all the skills needed to make this a fantastic modern Motorcycle/Motorcaravan Group. I for one enjoy working with these much appreciated friends (as well as all the volunteers that help out when needed) We look forward to seeing all our members/friends both current and new at future rallies. Martin Borrill MCG Chairman
If you would like to join the MCG please contact Wendy our Secretary via email motorcycle@themotorcaravannersclub.co.uk stating your Name, Local Group, Membership Number and Current Ride.

The motorcycle group welcome members with any type of motorcycle, be it a 50cc moped or a Harley Davidson Electraglide. We tow our bikes behind the motorhomes so when we get to a rally location we can join our friends and head off for great rideouts.

Motorhomes are our passion. We travel to rallies at various destinations, usually in the UK but also within Europe. Most of the rallies are weekend based. In addition there are often holiday rallies which are for longer periods. At the rallies we meet up with old friends, and make new acquaintances. As with most hobbies, the more you put into it the more rewarding it becomes.